Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Upcoming Guests for June - August 2013

We didn't get a chance to speak to Dr. Travis Langley but we will reschedule with him in September.  We also have added a guest that was a "reschedule" from one of our first shows, Bob McLeod (Comic Book Artist for The New Mutants, other DC and Marvel titles)- August 15th

We will also post a special Man of Steel review show with all our perceptions of the newest big, blue boy scout!  Stay tuned!

Movie "Review Quickie" of THIS IS THE END

Thank you for watching our review of THIS IS THE END!  We will be featuring more movie reviews from both theatrical releases and DVD/BluRay releases.  Please leave comments below our YouTube video here, share our reviews, "Like" our Facebook fan page, "Subscribe" to our YouTube channel, and "Follow" us on Twitter.  Go see THIS IS THE END in theaters now and you be the judge.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Robbie Rist Suggests "Casey Jones" Fan-Film

Like any great geek, if you've been following along in your little notebook about the recent guests we've been blessed to have on The Not-So-Cool Kids'll know that Episode 8 holds such a sincere love in all TMNT fanboy & fangirl hearts!  For the guest we spoke with was Robbie Rist, Michaelangelo himself!

During our chat session we mentioned that we would LOVE to see Robbie Rist reprise his role as the famed totally awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Michaelangelo.  Robbie immediately spoke up, navigating us to a fan-film, simply called 'Casey Jones,' in which Robbie plays Mikey once again!  If you are a major turtle nerd get ready for an awesome homage to the original characters of Casey Jones and Michaelangelo.  Check it out here!